Getting Down to Business

Anxiety Making Your Job Search Difficult? Why Use A Staffing Agency

If you suffer from anxiety, applying for jobs can be a struggle. Luckily, there is a way to get help finding a job. You can work with an employment service. Staffing agencies help take the stress out of finding a new job. If anxiety is keeping you from finding a job, read the information provided below. You'll find four ways a staffing agency can help you land a job. 

Increase the Options

When you suffer from anxiety, every denial can add to your stress. Unfortunately, if you're not sure where to look, you could hear a lot of denials. That's where an employment service comes into the picture. Staffing agencies have a list of employment opportunities at their disposal. They know what companies are hiring, and what the requirements are for those jobs. Your employment options increase when you get employment assistance from a staffing agency. 

Learn Interview Tips

If you deal with anxiety on a daily basis, you may not do well during interviews. This is especially true if your anxiety levels go up when you're in stressful situations. Unfortunately, job interviews can get quite stressful. One of the benefits of working with a staffing agency is they can give you tips for the interview process. The tips you learn from the staffing agency can help you get through your interviews. They can also help you learn ways to cope with anxious feelings. 

Avoid the Cold Calls

If cold calls send you into a panic, it's time to get some employment assistance. When you're looking for a job on your own, you may need to place a lot of cold calls. You also need to ask for a lot of applications. Anxiety can make it downright impossible to handle those tasks. That's why you need to work with a staffing agency. When you work with a staffing agency, you won't need to make those cold calls. The staffing agency will handle all the cold calls and scheduling. 

Get Resume Help

If your resume has a few holes in it, you need to visit a staffing agency near you. This is especially important if there are some gaps in your resume. Employers place a lot of emphasis on your resume. Employment gaps can turn into red flags for employers. A staffing agency can help get your resume in order. They can fill those gaps with information such as time spent volunteering. They'll also add the time you've spent expanding your education. The help they give you can eliminate the anxiety you have about your resume.